Y luego me llega otro con un gnomito de fieltro de Marieke!!! Que mas se puede pedir :) Muchas muchas muchas gracias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To find non-bills letters in my mailbox is one of the things that make my day, but today the surprise came twice!!! I have my own popcorn monster at home from Patricia!!!! And then, a cute little gnome called Robbie knocked on my door from sweet Marieke!!!!! What else could I ask for!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!
14 comentarios:
Es muy bonito, y muy original, sobretodo el ticket de palomitas colgado debajo...
Me encanta, sobretodo la idea del personaje totalmente desenfadado, si señor.
Por cierto monica, ya tengo el cuadro de la bicicleta, a ver que tal sienta en mi habitación.
Como se nota las horas que son, ganas de salir del trabajo y el poco vocabulario que tengo a estas horas.
P.D.: Creo que eres fantastica, me tienes que enseñar tu estudio cuando suba a madrid. Vamos digo yo....
Eso Gus sera si logras sacarlos.
Esta todo mu chulo. Patri se lo ha currado un monton.
qué chulada! :-)
i'm sorry i know this doesn't have any relation to your post, but i'm curious as to what kind of paint you use for your figurines and what kind of material you use. i'm curious because i make my own clay figurines but i can't seem to recreate the same effect and i really admire your little animals!
I use a white clay called Plus that doesn´t need oven, and acrilik paint :) I hope this helps!!!
Hi there Robbie, nice to see you arrived :D
acrylic?? really? I've tried using acrylic only for some reason the colours end up very shiny! do you mix it with water??
the one I use is not shiny, it is called "Americana". But I´m sure you can use and paint with this clay, I have only tryed this one because is the only one I have :)
aaah.. okay.. I'll go and try and find some of that paint and clay! I'll take some pictures of my latest project later and post it on my blog k? I'll letcha know when its done!
Anda que lujo! :D
Mandame tu mail y te la mando ;)
Muchas graciaaaaaas!!!!
Ooooh .... these are sooo cute!! Preeetttttyyy!
Me encanta el monstruo!!!!!!
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