We are back at home, with our feet very tired but with a refreshesed head, just wachting the sea is just beautiful. Lisbon, amazing, going up and down, the first day we spend the whole day going from hill to hill, it is all so pretty!!!!! I printed all your comments to not miss anything, and I think we almost got all of it!! Thanks a lot to Tania, Florbela, Claudia and friends for having us for dinner our first nigth there, it was really nice to meet you finally!!!

El segundo día creo que fue el más espectacular, Sintra, que bonito todooooooooooo yo me quiero ir alli a vivir!!! Me da igual en que casa, todas tenian algo especial. Subimos al castillo andando como nos aconsejasteis y merecio la pena. Y la Quinta da Regaleira... pffffffff... increible de bonita. Ese día bebimos más agua que en un mes aqui :D
The second day was the most spectacular, Sintra, so so so beautiful!!!! I wan´t to have a house there!!! They are all so pretty!!. We went walking to the Castle and palace, the way up is really nice, and the Quinta da Regaleira was amazing. We drank so much water that day :D

El tercer día fuimos a la ciudad, y luego en tren hasta Belem, muy agradable al no tener cuestas :D El monasterio de los Jerónimos es enooorme y muy bonito, y el paseo maritimo con la Torre y el Monumento al Descubrimiento tambien. Y por supuesto, probamos los pastelitos de Belen, que ricooooos!!!!
The third day we went to the city again, and then to Belem, very beautiful also, and of course, we ate the Pasteis de belem, MMmmmm!!!

El cuarto a la playa!! En tren hasta Cascais y andando por la playa hasta Estoril. Luego por la tarde, pasamos a vr la basilica de Estrella y el parque de al lado, muy bonito tambien. Este es el kiosco de música del parque.
Forth day, the beach!!! By train to Cascais and walking to Estoril by the sea. After that, we went to see the Basilica de Estrella and ate at the park rigth next to it, very nice also.

Quinto día, el parque de las Naciones y al aeropuerto! Ay... que rápido ha pasado :(
Nos gusto todo, la gente, la mezcla de culturas, los tranvías, las vacas!!! si si, todo llenos de vacas de colores :D la comida, mmm que rico todo, el tiempo estupendo y el idioma sin problemas, ya sabemos decir un par de cosiñas :D Habrá que volver :)
Fifth day, Campo de las naciones and to the airport! It all happened so fast...
we have enjoy everything a lot, the people, the mixture of cultures, the trains, the cows!!! yes, colorfull cows all over the city, the food, mmm yummie!!! the weather was very nice and the languaje without va problem, we learned a few words :D Will be back!!!

18 comentarios:
xa fala o portugues? :D
Um poquinho :D
Oi Monica
Adorei as suas fotos de Lisboa, Cintra, etc. Estamos pensando em ir para lá no fim do ano. Se tiver mais algumas dicas, gostaria de ouvir as suas impressões.
Moro em São Paulo - Brazil, não sei se vc conhece. Gostaria muito de conhecer Portugal e tb o seu País, principalmente Madrid.
Meu e-mail: gamadvsp@uol.com.br
Parabéns pelo seu blog
Gisele Montenegro
Immmpresionantes algunas fotos, me han entrado ganas de ir alli!!
Tienes aqui una gran documentación para futuros dibus.
oh i went to lisbon summer last year and it was beautiful! nice photos!
Qué fotos tan, tan, tan bonitas! Me has dado algo de envidia... Quiero ir! Aunque Madrid no se queda atrás, no te parece?
Si, Madrid es muy bonita tambien, Son dos ciudades totalmente distintas, cada una bonita a su manera :)
Olá Monica!
I'm glad you enjoyed Lisbon so much, and I hope you'll come again to see it better. The photos are wonderful!! :)
You tasted the Pastéis de Belem, and they are really delicious, you should have tried also Travesseiros de Sintra, so yummy... See, you have to come back! :op
Don't thank me for the dinner, we almost didn't talk! You know, dinner with the girls is always a bit confusing ;)
Your site and blogs are the most wonderful thing for me on internet, I really enjoy every piece, fantastis stuff.
Your post reminded me one of my books, I just want to recommend you the book "Lisbonne, voyage imaginaire" by Nicolas de Crécy .
It is a great book, check yourself;
yo quero ir!! tus fotos estan maravillosas!!!
cortito, pero contundente tu viaje parece...
q hermosooooooo! gracias por las fotos..me encantó!
Tengo q decirle a Santi q tambien tome las fotos bien,siempre las termina tomando apurado jaj,estan preciosas!!!
nosotros tambien en portugal: estoril i lisboa. es para volver.
no se como poner unas fotos que serian calcadas a las tuyas...
Uy mirala ella que bien se lo pasa! me alegro de que te gustase todo, yo me muero de ganas de volver, sobre todo por Zambujeira que era super bonito. Preciosas fotos. Has visto como merecía la pena subir andando? comiste muchas sardinhas y frango? :)
Oh! You went to Sintra. I live near by, from my bedroom window we can see Palácio da pena :) It's beautiful, don't you think?
It was lovely meeting you too, although we didn't talk that much :(
Lisboa é de facto muito bonita! É uma cidade mágica!
Por favor, qué belleza.
Me encantaron tus fotos de Lisboa. Todo tu blog me gusta, llevo un rato paseando por acá, es divino.
Yo estuve en Sintra tb y me encantó, tanto como tus dibujos.
Un Saludo :)
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