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A mi me dieron el texto en inglés, menos mal :DDear Monica Calvo,Techmag is glad to interview you. We are looking forward to your kind cooperation, and we value and cherish your comments and suggestions. Please take some time to complete this questionnaire and return it to us. Thank you in advance and your opinion counts!1. Please introduce yourself to the Chinese readers.I’m a Spanish illustrator, part and owner of a design studio called Organicfields. I special like children illustration, and I have a huge collection of children tales. 2. Please tell us your story with TOY2R, and your comments on TOY2R’s platform toy QEE.I decided to look for someone to help me bringing to life some of my illustrations. I started writing everyone and Toy2R were so kind to take interest in my project, and make it also their project. At first I thought of creating some figures for them, but they thought it would be nice to have some of the illustration I had into figures, so there is where we started!3. Is “artist toy” a proper word to describe the fresh toy wave?Yes, I think it is a perfect concept to describe it. In Spain this kind of toys are coming very slowly, there is a traditional though that toys are for kids, not for adults to collect them as pieces of art, but that is changing!
4. We known that you’re a famous poster illustrator, why would you think of creating a toy?
I think toys are a wonderful way to give your emotions a different perspective that illustrations. Something you can take with you anywhere, play with them, and rotate them! That is something you can not do with a drawing, it is taking the illustration to a different level.
5. You come from Madrid, so will you be affected by the traditional art style of Spanish when creating your own works?
No, I don’t think so, I think that nowadays, with the internet, we can be easily affected by the art from all the countries. I love the simplicity of some oriental artist, the color of the European artists, and the magic of the last century illustration.
6. Why do you particular interesting in children’s fairy tales? Is that related to your childhood experience?
I’m not interested in fairy tales in particulars, what I like is books illustrated in a different way, not the common drawings, but something special, something that when I open them make me fall in love with the illustrations, and if the story is nice also, that will make the book a jewel for me. I have always, from my childhood, consider that books are the best present I can get.
7. Are there any stories you want to express through in your works and toy? Would you mind sharing with us?
No, I prefer that people have their own experience when looking at my artwork, not all of them have stories behind, so it is wonderful to know that people thinks farther beyond the illustration and think of a story for the characters.
8. As a female designer, what do think about the difference of your style compare to others male designers?
I don’t think that women and men work different. When a client comes with a project, you have to give them what it is best for the product, not thinking if you are a woman or a man. Some male designer think that woman drawings are “cutter” but I don’t think that is my case.
9. What is the indispensable element of your works?
I usually draw the lines with pencil in a paper and the color them in the computer, so I guess that it and the scanner would be indispensable for me.
10. How does your toy narrate its background story?
In the case of Luna and the stellar Cat”, the story was made many years after the illustration. When I draw her I was sure she was the moon that had became a little girl, but it was when Toy2R decided that she was going to be the first figure to come alive when I finished the whole story.
11. Which is the common way for you to draw the sketch, manual or digital?
I few years ago I used to draw everything directly in the computer, but where we started to work with clients, they wanted to see sketches in paper, so I had to improve my hand with the pencil :) Now I always use it.
12. Who is the artist that influences you most?
It would be very unfair to name one or two, I love the art of hundreds of illustrators, and I think they all have some little part of them that influence me.
13. Do you collect toys? And who is your favorite toy artist?
Yes, I have some toys by Nathan Jurevicius and Tim Burton, but I love all the merchandising that Studio Ghibli manufacture. They are my favorites, no doubt.
14. What about your future planning about ugly doll?
I’m not sure what you mean, I don’t have any future plans with Ugly Doll, although I would love it! I adore their little creatures.
15. Have you visited China so far? What come into your mind when you hear the word “China”?
When I hear the word China all my emotions come to the limit. That trip, when it happens, will be definetely the trip of my life.
16. Please give your advice to the growing Chinese toy collectors and designers?
Just to put and the illusion on the toys, this is wonderful world that we have the chance to take part into, and the more illusion we put on them, the better the result will be.
Your early reply will be highly appreciated by TechMag and your fans.
Thank you for taking interest in my work!
Interview for the Chinesse magazine TECHMAG.
Primero de todo perdonad la ausencia, esta siendo un mes complicado de trabajo y de espacio vital, las obras parecen no acabar nunca!!!!!Muchas gracias a todos los que habeis pasado para felicitarme la navidad, estuve en Burgos con mis padres y lo pasamos requetebien cocinando y en familia, y como broche final vi a mi Anita que me alegro la noche, el dia y el año entero. Un beso lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!Os dejo unos trocitos de las ilustraciones del libro de Bolita, el del elefantito, (texto de Amaia Crespo). Ya esta terminado!! A ver si lo publican pronto, que me muero de ganas de verlo impreso. Un beso a todos, y feliz año!!!!...........................................................................................................
Sorry for the luck of updates lately, it is being a very hard month of work and the house improvements seems to last forever!!!Thanks a lot to all of the people that steped by to say Merry Christmas, I had a lovely time with my parents and my friend Anita.Here are some little pieces of the book I finished illustrating, the text is from Amaia Crespo. It is not on the stores yet but I can´t wait to see it!Love for all, and Happy new year!!!

Esta es una abuelica que hicimos para un ser parte de un logo de "La cuchara de la Abuela", una linea de comiditas ricas de la huerta :) Me muero de ganas de ver los botecicos!!! La agencia que lo lleva es Weare.
This is a part of a logo for a food campain called "Granma´ spoon". The agency that carries the project is Weare.
Os pongo un detallin de una ilustracion que acabamos de terminar sobre moscas, para una editorial de Toronto. Siento no poder enseñaros mas cosas de momento, pero hasta que no se publiquen los libros no se puede enseñar na!!Un beso a todos!!!
Aquí una propuesta preciosa de la señorita Misspink para colaborar con la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer. Se hará una exposición en Salamanca con las aportaciones a la venta para sacar beneficios y ayudar un poquito. Muchas gracias por invitarme a participar Paula!!! ¿Alguien mas se apunta????

Siento no pasarme por aquí tanto como quisiera, pero estoy en medio de las obras de mi casa e ilustrando un par de libros que me tienen ocupada full time, a ver si dentro de poco puedo enseñaros alguna cosilla. Mientras tanto, una foto de mi casa y un vídeo con el que me he reido mucho esta tarde :D...........................................................................................................
Sorry for the lack of posts lately, I´m working in 2 different books and making at the same time some home improvements that has my house like this. I hope I can show you something soon! In the meantime, a video that made me laugh a lot this evening :)

Bueno bueno bueno, despues de taaaanto tiempo no os podeis ni imaginar lo que es tenerla por fín en mis manos!!!! Ya esta lista!!!! Creo que aun no está a la venta, estan terminando el packaging y demas, pero yo ya tengo la mia!!! En cuanto sepa algo más os cuento.Un poquito de historia:Hace mas de 3 años, en colaboración con Toy2R decidimos sacar una serie de muñecos a partir de alguna de mis ilustraciones. Hablamos de hacer 2 miniseries de 8 muñecos cada una, y la primera que se empezó a desarrollar fue la referente a esta ilustración, "Ak for a wish".
Ohhhhh finally it arrived!!! After all this time you can not imaging how it feels to have her on my hands!!! I think it is not for sale yet, but as soon as I know anything else I will let you know.A little bit of history:3 years ago, in collaboration with Toy2R, we deciced to bring some of the artwork I had to life, they were going to make 2 miniseries of 8 toys, and the first one to start delevoping was this one, "Ask for a wish".

Cada una de las figuras iba a tener su propia historia detras, un pequeño comic con la figura como protagonista. El comic de "Luna y el Gato Estellar", que asi pasó a llamarse, lo podeis ver en la web que se creó para las figuras, en Dreaming of toys. El tamaño iba a ser de unos 8 centimetros, y se realizó en vinilo, y se llevó a varias exposiciones en Hong Kong y Japón............................................................................................................ Each of the figures will have its own story, a little comic, the one refering to "Lua and the Stellar Cat" (wich was the last name for her) can be found in the site that was created for the figures, Dreaming of Toys. The size was going to be about 3 inches, in vinil, and the model was taken to some gift shows in Honk Kong and Japan.

Después de un tiempo se decidió aumentar el tamaño de la figura y se dobló el tamaño, la figura actual mide unos 16 cms. La cabeza gira, y.. que os voy a decir, que es preciosa :D En cuanto terminen con la producción de Luna comenzarán con el modelaje de las miniseries, asi que ya os ire contando como va :) ........................................................................................................... After some time, they decide to doble the size of the figure, the actual size of it is 6 inches, the head moves, and... what can I say, it is beautiful!! Toy2R will start then to produce the miniseries, so I´ll be updates as soon as I know anything :)

Quedan muy poquitas impresiones de "Dreaming of clouds" en la tienda, por si acaso yo aviso, que luego se acaban y me reñís!!! :)
There are very little prints left in the store for "Dreaming of clouds", just in case you are interested :)
El otro día pasé por la librería del Reina Sofia, si alguno no la conoce la recomiendo una y mil veces!! ienen unos libros preciosos y muy escogidos, de arte, ilustración, y mucho más. Tambien tienen ua sección pequeñita de cuentos para niños, y no me pude resistir a comprar el nuevo libro de Delphine Durand, precioso como siempre :)...........................................................................................................
I went last week to the Reina Sofia Modern Art Museum, and found in their library this little jewel from the wonderful Delphine Durand, of course I couldn´t resist buying it :)

Ya ha salido a la venta el nuevo librito de Coca Cola, lo regalan con las revistas Vogue niños y La Guía del Niño de este mes. Los interiores son de Marta Chicote que ha hecho un trabajo preciosisisimo como siempre, y la portada es nuestra :)
Already in the stores the new Cocacola book, given with several chuildren magazines, the cover is ours and the beautiful inside illustrations are from Marta Chicote :)

Cuando estabamos en la escuela nos propusieron hacer un trabajo que nos trajo de cabeza, a unos mas que a otros, que se llamaba "Blanco sobre blanco". Cuando estaba terminando ayer este cabecero para una cama me acorde mucho de ese trabajo, aqui va otra version sobre el mismo tema :) Esto, cuando quitemos el gotelé, quedará mejor seguro :D

Ayer me llegó esta maravilla por Correo (mil gracias Anita!!!!!!) El numero 12 de la revista Entelequia no es una revista normal, son 45 postales manuscritas, y no cuento más que el que quiera saber más se la compre :D A la venta en la pagina de los duelistas.Y el librito del interrail con fotografía de Asis es tambien una delicia, chiquitin, con cierto regustillo a antigüo en el papel, y 240 paginas!!!
I received yesterday a lovely mail from Anita, the Entelequia 12 magazine, so original in the format, consists in 45 hand writed postcards, it can be found at los duelistas page, as well as the Interrail trip by Asis, so beautiful and sweet!

Cuando a Camilla le da por hacer cosas monas, hace las más monas de todas :)
When Camilla makes cute things, she makes the cutest things in the world!!
Logotipo para una casita rural en Massachusetts.
Bueno, esto va lento, pero por lo menos parece que va! Ya estan listos los moldes de "Luna and the Stelar Cat" y solo queda pintar y pintar y pintaaaaar!!!...........................................................................................................
It seems like the "Luna and the Stelar Cat" is moving! The mold ir alreday finished, now it is time to paint!
Llevamos una temporada de mudanzas. La verdad es que esta siendo todo bastante lento, y mas cuando hay gatos en los armarios donde quieres poner los libros, gatos en las cajas que intentas vaciar, y gatos, que encima te sacan la lengua!

Primero, darle las gracias a Florencia por este precioso link, Peter Callesen. Como me gusta la gente que recorta :)
First of all, I want to thank Florencia for sending me this beautiful link, Peter Callesen. I just love the cutting paper people :)

Este link por lo visto ha estado rondando desde hace ya unos meses por la red. Yo como tambien ando un poco abducida, pues no me entero de nada. Pero bueno, mas vale tarde que nunca! Este es el nuevo corto de animación de Pixar, para los abucidos como yo :) Lifted.
It seems like this link has been on the internet for a while, but as I have been a little lost lately I didn´t know about it. Here is the latest animation short film by Pixar :) Lifted.

Y este link, visto en Popytalk para los que no sepan que hacer con los libros antiguos y les encanten los bolsos, a mi la mezcla me parece lo mejor de lo mejor :)...........................................................................................................
And this link, seen at Popytalk for those who love antique books and bag, the mix of both is the best!!

Y por último, pero no menos importante, desearle toda la suerte del mundo a mi anita, que estrena blog, y es un soooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllll!!!!!!
And finally, the best luck of the world to my friend anita, that has just opened her first blog and has a lot to show!!
Oslo Press es un estudio de diseño que hace paquetes de invitaciones de boda gravadas en madera y papel, preciosisisismas :) Visto en Oh Joy!
Oslo Press is a design studio that make carved wood wedding invitation, so so so beautiful!! Seen at Oh Joy!